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How and When to Begin Music Instruction


Many parents ask me when should their child begin their music education and what type of lessons should be first.  I usually reply that starting in a parent/child music class together, either in a program such as Music Together or Kindermusik, at a very young age is an excellent beginning.  In these classes the youngest children learn how to sing on pitch, keep a steady beat, play simple instruments, learn to follow teacher directions, learn to interact in a group, and start learning musicality, which is a whole-brain activity. There are many studies that indicate these activities build areas of children's brains,  making it easier for them to learn academic subjects. It is true that music learning makes students smarter.  

When to Start Music Lessons


Parents also ask me when is a good age for their child to begin piano lessons.  To answer them, I ask them if their child has had music classes, likes to sing or play simple instruments, if their eyes can track left to right as for reading,  if they can use one finger at a time, and if they can sit still and follow directions for at least 15 minutes.  If the answers are yes, they are ready to start piano lessons.  If some of the answers are no, I will interview the student, asking them to sit at the piano next to me and have a mini lesson.  If the mini lesson goes fine, they are ready for piano lessons. If I find the student really wants to play but doesn't quite have the skills I have listed above, I will chose lesson books and extra activities that grow those skills. 

What Are Music Lessons Like with Me? 


The first lessons I have with a new student(s) of any age are very much tailored to them.  I  bring a variety of music or lesson books for them to try out.  For band students already in a method book, we continue with that book and I will choose supplemental music, like solos, duets, scales, and worksheets, to help them build their skills. Trying out these books and setting goals also takes place during the first lesson or two.  I am a very flexible and skilled teacher, with many resources that I bring to each lesson.  So if something we are doing is not working out for any reason, I will talk with the student and parent to figure out a solution.  For every piece of music or band page completed, students chose a reward sticker.  They can also earn play money for practice time and how well they do at their lesson to buy rewards from me. I recommend you read my studio policies under that header for more information. 

 Kris PIchelman  
Kris Pichelman, Lead Instructor 


Kris currently teaches piano, voice, bassoon, oboe, clarinet, flute,  and saxophone lessons, as well as the other band instruments.  She has a bachelor's degree in music education and a master's degree in choral music and conducting. She has taught school band, choir, and general music classes, as well as served a variety of churches as music director. As a private teacher, she specializes in teaching beginners and intermediate students of all ages. 

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Tel: 612-386-0607

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